Show Baseball Mission

The sole purpose of Show Baseball’s programs is to provide training, game playing, showcase exposure, and financial aid/scholarships to elite level baseball without regard to their ability to pay. Baseball in the USA has achieved parity with Golf and Tennis, two sports that have traditionally been affiliated with financial elites. The reality of 21st century baseball development is that in order to play at the top levels of baseball requires parental outlays of typically $500 to $1000 per month for development programs, plus uniform costs and travel costs. Some development programs charge as much as $3500 for a baseball experience of one week or less. A simple view of college baseball team photos will show very few players of color. Dave Winfield, an African American and a retired Yankee, Hall of Fame centerfielder, has recently written[1] that without profound changes in the financial inequalities that plague baseball development, that it would not surprise him if African Americans boys born in the early 1990’s end up being the last of that ethnic group to play Major League Baseball.

With only 11.7 Division 1, baseball scholarships virtually no player receives a full ride to play college baseball. To even be considered for college and in many places even high school programs, requires a development program which goes far beyond what traditional Little League can offer. The top players play in excess of 100 games per year, attend invitation only tournaments and showcases that are quite frankly very costly. Baseball development has become a multi-billion dollar business that appeals primarily to very affluent parents. Poor kids are simply being passed by.

Show Baseball’s  purpose is to help fill that financial gap by providing financial assistance to those players with the dedication and ability to play and develop at the highest levels, but without the financial ability to pay the tournament fees, showcase charges, travel expenses etc., that are required for elite level player development and exposure. Show Baseball provides a no frills, no overhead conduit to pay tournament entry fees, field rentals and other direct expenses on behalf of financially disadvantaged elite baseball players.

Show Baseball is dedicated to helping serious players, “take it to the next level”. This means to be able to play in high school for school age players, to get a college scholarship for high school players and for college players to get into the professional ranks. Show Baseball has assembled the best of the diverse baseball world to help achieve its goals.  Former Major league players, coaches and managers, amateur and youth baseball experts, and former college coaches, instructors and sports scientists.. Numerous “Show” alumni have already received college scholarships and professional playing opportunities. The younger players are turning heads and getting great attention from the college and professional scouts.

Show development programs are offered at a fraction of the cost of most elite player development programs across the country. Show Baseball expects that barring injury or some other calamity that 100% of the players receiving financial assistance will receive the opportunity to play college baseball. For most of these young men they will be the first members of their families to attend college. Show Baseball recognizes that for the majority, of even elite players, the top spot is to play in college. In that regard academic performance is very important to receiving the opportunity to play in college. Show players receive extensive counseling in what is required as a student and a person, as well as a player, in order to assist them in making it as a college baseball player.

Show Baseball expects that some of those receiving financial assistance will make it into the professional ranks and be in a position to make financial contributions back to assist future generations of players. Show Baseball expects that all of those receiving financial assistance will be significant role models for their communities.

Show Baseball is dedicated to providing direct financial assistance to elite baseball players who could otherwise not afford to participate in top level training, tournaments and baseball showcases. Our goal it to have the money to meet the financial needs of every dedicated and qualified player so that no Southern Arizona player is denied the opportunity to develop their talent and take it to the next level due to an inability to pay the costs associated with elite player development.  Show Baseball operated as an unincorporated association for many years.  In order to widen its impact formal incorporation was done in early 2010.  Over the years Show Baseball has provided opportunities for typically 20-50 players per year to participate at the elite level that would otherwise been unable to play due to typical prohibitive costs. The involved coaches have decades of amateur baseball development experience and impacted the lives of thousands of players.  100% of the Show Baseball “staff”  are volunteers and the plans are to keep it that way in the future.  Show Baseball is a labor of love and altruism.

Show Baseball’s goal is to have 15-20 players at each upper grade level (8-12), or one team per grade level, of the best of the best Southern Arizona players competing at the elite level.

There is no overhead or other expense associated with Show Baseball, all of the money goes to the direct benefit of players. There is no shortage of talented players in Southern Arizona. There is an extreme shortage of parents who can foot the required bill for elite player development.

To discuss a tax deductible contribution please contact 520.398.9343

[1] Dropping the Ball, Dave Winfield, with Michael Levin,  Scribner, 2007

© Show Baseball, Inc.  2020                               A 501 (c) (3) Not for Profit Organization